Nueces County Public Transportation Accident Attorneys for Injuries Involving School Buses or City Buses

Buses are large vehicles, and while they often travel at relatively slow speeds, they can still cause serious injuries if they are involved in collisions with other vehicles. In these cases, drivers or passengers in other vehicles may suffer harm, or passengers on a bus may be injured. Pedestrians or bicyclists can also be seriously injured if they are struck by a bus. When accidents involving school buses, city buses, or other public transportation vehicles occur, victims will need to understand who was responsible, and they can work with a personal injury lawyer to determine their best options for recovering financial compensation.

At The Edwards Law Firm, our attorneys have extensive experience representing clients who have been injured in motor vehicle accidents and other situations. We understand the laws that apply to bus accidents, and we help victims identify the liable parties in these cases and pursue compensation for their damages. Our lawyers have more than 100 combined years of experience in personal injury law, and we are dedicated to helping those who have been injured by others' negligence receive the financial resources that will allow them to make a full recovery.

Liability for Bus and Public Transportation Accidents

There are multiple types of buses that can be seen regularly on the roads in Corpus Christi and Nueces County. School buses transport children to and from school and other activities. Public buses operated by the Corpus Christi Regional Transportation Authority (CCRTA) provide service throughout the region. Other types of buses, such as charter buses or Greyhound buses, provide long-distance transportation. These buses may be involved in accidents for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Bus driver negligence - A driver may violate traffic laws or operate a bus unsafely, and this may cause them to collide with other vehicles, pedestrians, or bicycles. These accidents may be caused by distractions that affect a bus driver, intoxication by alcohol or drugs, or a lack of training on how to operate a bus safely. The CCRTA may be liable for the negligence of city bus drivers, or a school district may be responsible for the actions of school bus drivers.
  • Inadequate maintenance - Safety systems or other equipment on a bus may fail, causing injuries to the bus's passengers or resulting in accidents that affect other people. The CCRTA, a school district, or a private bus company may be liable for injuries that occurred because a bus was not properly maintained, or manufacturers may be held responsible for injuries that occurred because of defective parts or equipment.
  • Negligence by other drivers - In some cases, accidents may occur because the drivers of other vehicles violate traffic laws or do not drive safely around buses. Drivers should be prepared for buses to make frequent stops, and if they follow a bus too closely, make an illegal turn in front of a bus, or pass a bus illegally, this could result in rear-end accidents or other types of collisions. Negligent drivers may also strike passengers who are boarding or exiting a bus. These types of accidents can occur when drivers exceed the speed limit in school zones, and they may result in serious injuries or wrongful deaths of children.

Contact Our Corpus Christi Public Transporation Accident Attorneys

Accidents involving public transportation can be complicated, and multiple parties may be liable for victims' injuries. Our lawyers can ensure that the proper procedures are followed in these cases, and we can make sure victims understand the laws that apply when pursuing compensation from a government organization that operated a bus. To set up a free consultation with our attorneys, contact our office at 361-320-6752. We assist with bus accidents and public transportation injuries in Corpus Christi and communities throughout Nueces County, including Portland, Rockport, Kingsville, Aransas Pass, Port Aransas, Alice, and Robstown.

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